
Finally, Your Quest For Louisville AC Repair Services Has Ended!

AC Repair Louisville KYIf you are in Louisville Kentucky and you are searching for a company to repair or replace your air conditioning system then you your search is at an end.  Air Comfort of Kentucky is just the company that you have been looking for.  We have the best services that you will find in Louisville.  In business for nearly 40 years, we specialize in every make and every model of air conditioner and/or cooling equipment.  The technicians here undergo continuous training and are certified so that they will be able to take care of any type of AC emergency or repair that you might have.  Beyond that, we also offer affordable pricing.

Louisville AC Repair Services can Improve the Air Quality of Your Home and Reduce Allergens

When you have a high quality air cleaner installed in your home, it is possible to remove nearly 99% of the spores and pollen that somehow get into your home.  In addition to that, you will also be able to reduce things like smoke, dirt, dust and other pollutants from the air.  The air inside your home will be fresher and cleaner due to the reduction in dust and allergens that would normally be making their rounds of your home.  When you install a whole home humidifier, you will be able to relieve that discomfort that comes with the indoor air being dry.  These humidifiers can reduce damage to your woodwork and furnishings, static electricity, scratchy throats and itchy skin.  Humid air has a warmer feel than dry air does so when you have one of these systems, you will no longer need to set your thermostat so high in order for you to be comfortable.  This will give you savings on your heating bill.  This is just one of the many ways that Air Comfort of Kentucky can help you.

This Louisville AC Repair Company can also install Your new Air Conditioner

Here are Air Comfort, our technicians are certified and trained to install air conditioners.  They are standing by waiting for you to call them so that they can install a new air conditioning system for you that is less costly and more efficient than your current situation.  You really should get your AC system evaluated if it is older than 10 years or even less than that if you have not had it regularly serviced.  We will be more than happy to send out a technician who can evaluate your system to determine if it needs just a simple tune up or if it would be more cost effective for you to look into installation a new system.

Most of the air conditioning systems have an average life expectancy of 10 – 20 years.  However, the older your system gets, the less efficiently it will run.  It might begin to make noise or need to be repaired on a more frequent basis.  When an air conditioning system begins acting its age then you really only have 2 options: replace it or overhaul it.  Because the technologies used in these systems improves over time – just like everything else – newer systems are designed with equipment that is more energy efficient.  If your system is older than 10 years then more than likely, it will make better financial sense to get a newer, more energy efficient system.

Sometimes people ask if they can simply replace the outside unit of their system and if this will save them some money.  The answer to this is no.  When you only replace the outdoor unit of a system, it actually lowers the efficiency of the system…by up to 15%!  Even worse is that the system might not have the life expectancy that it should and most of the time, the warranty given by the manufacturer will be voided if you do this.

Give us a call here at Air Comfort and a technician can come out and explain all of the options to you.

HVAC Services and Louisville AC Repair

It would be wonderful if our HVAC AC systems lasted forever, wouldn’t it?  However, no matter what kind of system you have, there will come a time when you will need to have it serviced.  Unfortunately, AC systems have a tendency to go out on the very hottest days.  No matter, Air Comfort of Kentucky will always have a HVAC team on standby ready to come and get your system up and running as soon as possible.

Regardless of the type of air conditioner you have – and yes, there are many different types – Air Comfort has a technician who is trained and certified to be able to give you just the type of preventive maintenance, repair service or installation that you need.  If your AC is working great now, go ahead and give us a call so we can make sure that it remains that way!

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